Gain 84%-99% confidence in planning with unbiased AI you can use - without data science skills, zero programming, and no IT support.
Supplement your ERP, GL, CRM, Demand Plan, and EPM systems with deep AI analytics through the LightZ™ library of built-in and interpreted math/statistics that are automatically applied on data and rendered by a built-in intelligent reporting/charting engine – zero coding. As such, LightZ™ powerfully delivers AI-Enabled analytics instantaneously through an intuitive user interface to put analytics in your hands and get immediate value.
Use LightZ-On™ for revenue and cost management, probabilistic forecasting, efficiency analytics, correlations of internal and external (e.g. unemployment, CPI, etc.) indicators to find what does and doesn't drive the business, and more.
LightZ-On™ is a cloud version for 2 users with full Aurora 3-Layer Security. LightZ-On™ has full functionality of enterprise cloud based LightZ™ and enables up to 12 models.
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