MarketSphere Unclaimed Property Specialists

154 Krog Street, Suite 100
Atlanta, GA 30307
united states

About MarketSphere Unclaimed Property Specialists

In the intricate realm of unclaimed property management, tasks range from identifying stale-dated assets to meticulous reporting to state authorities. Yet, with increased enforcement by states and third-party auditors, even businesses with stringent escheatment protocols can find themselves at the brink of severe penalties and unexpected escheatment surges. MarketSphere offers unparalleled expertise, steering organizations through these challenges, ensuring compliance and reducing risks.

Audit Defense Capabilities:

Comprehensive expertise from conducting numerous audits, with the added advantage of having team members who have served as auditors in their past roles.
Collaboration with clients to forge defense strategies tailored to specific scenarios.
Assisting businesses in attenuating the consequences of unclaimed property audits via robust compliance and record-keeping measures infused with potent audit-defense stratagems.

Mastering Voluntary Disclosure Agreements (VDAs):
VDAs are pivotal tools for efficient unclaimed property compliance. They present an avenue for companies to achieve compliance with more control and reduced penalties. MarketSphere's prowess in this domain is evident in our comprehensive VDA management services, including:

Comprehensive scoping to evaluate company structures and potential unclaimed property sources.
Quantifying liabilities to ascertain state-by-state exposure and the necessity for VDAs.
Seamlessly submitting required materials and addressing any state queries.
Concluding agreements encompassing all relevant entities and review periods.

Competitors of MarketSphere Unclaimed Property Specialists



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